Election Anxiety for Therapists Signup
By signing up for this group, you are committing to participation in the group according to the the following schedule:
August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12, and a tentative: December 10 meeting. All meetings will run from 7:00 to 8:15pm Easter on the Google Meet platform.
The financial commitment is for a total of $160, payable in (4) $40 installments via Ivy Pay. The first installment will occur at the time of sign-up and the remaining three installments will be charged to the card on file after the September, October, and November meetings. If the group decides to hold a December meeting and you choose to participate, an additional $40 installment would be charged after that meeting. Each member will be charged for each meeting, even if you are not able to attend due to unavoidable circumstances.
By signing up, you assert that you are a mental health professional actively working with clients.
While the first meeting will allow for a time to discuss our group’s expectations for establishing a climate of safety and respect, by signing up you agree to the basic principle that every participant deserves to be heard, respected, and treated with dignity. Any words or actions which jeopardize this principle are grounds for removal from the group without refund.
I deeply respect anyone who seeks support in this season, and I am sincerely grateful for the trust you place in me by signing up. I promise to endeavor to earn this trust by fostering a healthy and safe environment for you. Thank you.
Sign Up Here
Once enough participants sign up using the form below, I will send you a text message through Ivy Pay asking for a credit card to be securely placed on file and a charge for the first session ($40) will go through.